– Worship & Spiritual Life –
Evening Prayer
Evening Prayer is a weekly evening gathering for the purpose of praying and sharing fellowship, online, with other members of the church family.
If you have an hour to spend, and a heart to open to God, Centering Prayer will be a blessing to you (and you, a blessing to the group!).
If you would like to know more, please contact the church office.
When & Where
Evening Prayer gathers at 7pm on Monday nights by Zoom. Contact the church office for the link or more information.
Book & Discussion Groups
Tuesday Morning Book Group
Every Tuesday 10 – 11 am (Zoom from 9-10)
A rich and thoughtful conversation erupts every week as part of our Tuesday book group. From 9-10am on Zoom, and 10-11am in person, participants gather to discuss a book on discipleship, religion, the Bible or another faith-related topic.
While the Tuesday book group has historically been primarily composed of women, the group is open to all adults of the church. Men have attended in the past and would be welcome to attend again.
For more information, contact the church office.
Recommended Reading:
Tattoos on the Heart by Gregory Boyle
Nine Essential Things I’ve Learned About Life by Harold S. Kushner
Speaking Christian and Convictions by Marcus Borg
Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger
The Faith Club: A Muslim, A Christian, A Jew – Three Women Search for Understanding by Ranya Idliby
Friday Men’s Breakfast
Every Friday 6:45 am
A group of men gather by Zoom, followed by and in-person breakfast at the Family Table Restaurant (6598 W Brown Deer Rd, Milwaukee) for a time of fellowship, study and reflection. Their morning breakfast is accompanied by the reading of a book (typically recommended by one of the group participants) and conversation about faith, life and Christian living.
The Friday Men’s Breakfast is a decades-old ministry of the church that is about both genuine fellowship and thoughtful conversation. Weekly attendance is roughly 7-10 people, and people are welcome to attend as frequently (or infrequently) as they are able.
To learn more, contact Rev. Marty at martinhall@northshorecongl.org.
Recommended Reading:
The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success by Rodney Stark
They Found the Secret: 20 Transformed Lives That Reveal a Touch of Eternity by V. Raymond Edman
Bible Studies
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Every Thursday from 9:30 – 11 am
Meeting every Thursday from 9:30 – 11 am, the Thursday morning Bible Study group gathers to focus on a particular section or book of the Bible. The conversations and reflections are insightful and inspiring, and the Fellowship is truly uplifting. Each week, participants are thrilled to come together to study, and they are always excited to welcome new members into the group. Individuals participate in the study group both in-person and via Zoom.
Short-term Studies & Programs
From Lenten programs to seasonal Bible studies, various short-term study and discussion opportunities are made available throughout the year. These programs and opportunities are often perfect for those who want to explore faith, but are unsure of making the commitment to a long-term study group.
To learn more, or to be notified of upcoming studies, please contact Rev. Marty at martinhall@northshorecongl.org.
Some of Our Past Studies
Images of the Church in the New Testament:
A fall study, incorporated into the worship and study life of the church, focusing on images used to describe the Church in the New Testament and what those images have to say about the role of the Church in 21st century society.
Congregationalism 101 with Rev. Dr. Martin Hall:
A 10-week survey of the history and nature of the Congregational Way.
Resurrection Appearances of Jesus with Dr. John Perry:
A series focused on the moments in which Jesus appeared to his disciples and friends after his resurrections.
Parables of the Bible with Rev. Dr. Martin Hall:
A six-week exploration into the nature and meaning of some of the classic Parables of our faith.