– Worship & Spiritual Life –
It doesn’t take long to feel at home as a member of North Shore Congregational Church, and the longer you are here, the more of a home our church becomes. Whether you are a long-time church-goer, or someone newly exploring faith, however, attending worship in a new church for the first time can be intimidating. In hopes of making you feel as welcome and comfortable as possible, explore these frequently asked questions, and feel free to contact us with any additional questions you may have.
What Should I Know About Getting There?
Where is the church located?
The church is located just off of Lake Dr. at 7330 N. Santa Monica Blvd. in Fox Point, WI.
What time is worship?
Worship takes place in person and online on Sundays at 10am.
On the third Wednesday of each month, our Midweek Manna gathering begins with a meal at 6pm and an informal worship service at 6:45.
Where do I park?
The church has two lots. The main lot is located on the south end of the building and provides the easiest access to the Sunday morning programs.
What door should I use?
Any of the three main doors are open during worship hours.
Where does worship take place?
The 10 am each Sunday service gathers in our sanctuary on the main level of the church. Our monthly Midweek Manna service gathers in various locations, but always onsite at the church building in Fox Point.
Is the building fully accessible?
Both doors connected to the south parking lot are accessible for wheelchairs and walkers, and all areas of the building are accessible by elevators or ramps. Those who need accessibility should not park in the lot north of the church.
Who do I talk to if I have a question?
While any member will gladly answer any question you have, hosts will be there to receive you and welcome you as you enter worship. These individuals will be wearing name tags and pins identifying their role and will be more than ready to help you.
What Should I Expect in Worship?
What does the sanctuary look like?
Designed to reflect the classic simplicity of colonial meetinghouses (the traditional Congregational word for our worship space), our sanctuary is subtly adorned with large clear windows, pews, a chancel with the choir and clergy, a pipe organ, a grand piano, and a cross-covered panel in the front that moves aside to reveal a beautiful stained-glass backdrop during our Christmas and Easter seasons.
Is there somewhere I should or shouldn’t sit?
All of the pews in the sanctuary and balcony are open for seating. On occasions in which seating is set aside for a particular purpose, those rows are clearly marked with reserved signs.
Will I be singled out as a visitor?
While we hope and anticipate that many of our members will greet and welcome you as a visitor, we do not publicly identify visitors in any way. We want you to feel comfortable and welcomed, but not ‘put on the spot’ while you worship with us.
How long will worship last?
Worship generally lasts about an hour.
Is there a traditional worship service?
While traditional in style, we are not extraordinarily formal and seek to keep our worship services comfortable and welcoming for all who attend.
Is there a contemporary service?
We seek to have a very comfortable environment, but we do not have what would be considered a contemporary service at this time.
Is there a screen?
We do not have a projection screen in the sanctuary. We do provide large print bulletins that include enhanced copies of the hymns for those who need larger text or do not wish to use the hymnals.
What are the sermons like?
A majority of our sermons are preached from the pulpit, with some being delivered more conversationally from the center of the chancel. Our Ministers base their sermons on Scripture and prayerfully seek ways to connect that Scripture to the everyday lives of our members. For an example, see last Sunday’s sermon, or visit the archives.
What is the music like?
Music has a rich and beautiful legacy in the worship life of our church. A chancel choir of 25-30 members, a handbell choir of 12, a children’s choir, a pipe organ and a grand piano all come together to provide a rich experience of presented music and hymn singing during our Sunday services. Most of the congregational singing is centered on classic hymnody, while the choir might be known to sing a 17th-century piece in Latin on one Sunday and a 20th century Gospel piece on the next. Learn more about our Music Ministry.
How will I know when to sit and stand?
The weekly order of worship delineates our standing with a ‘*’ at the applicable points. That said, our Ministers instruct the congregation for most of these movements, and it is easy to follow along with the rest of the congregation. Generally, our standing is limited to three sections of our service.
Can I see an order of worship?
See/download a typical order of worship here ›
Am I expected to make an offering?
The offering plates are passed during our 10 am worship service each week. While anyone may make a contribution, nothing is expected. There are many individuals who do not put contributions in the plate on Sunday morning for a wide variety of reasons. No one will feel out of place if they forego the offering.
What about communion?
“This table of the Lord is open to all fellow Christians – members of this Church, of other churches, or of no church at all.”
These words are stated at the gathering of the majority of our communion services, and they clearly outline our fundamental commitment to a table that expresses the open welcome of our Lord. If you wish to receive communion, it is our joy and honor to share it with you!
Communion is passed from one member to the next throughout the congregation. We hold the bread and cup during distribution and receive them together at the instruction of the Minister.
How will people be dressed?
Come as you are! While ‘business casual’ is probably the best description of the majority of our congregation on Sunday morning, there are some in jeans while others wear a suit and tie. We are most concerned with you feeling welcome and comfortable, not what you wear while you are here.
What About Our Kids?
Can our children join us in worship?
Sunday school and childcare are provided for those who wish to use it, but some families choose to remain together in worship. Children of all ages are always welcome to join us for any or all of our Sunday morning services. Worship bags and binders, filled with activities for the children, are available. Learn more about our Sunday morning programming for kids.
Is there Sunday school?
During the school year, Sunday school is available for children in K3 through grade 6. On most Sundays, children begin worship with their families at 10 am, and are then dismissed to Music & Movement and Godly Fun. Learn more about our Sunday morning programming for kids.
Is there childcare available?
The Crib ‘n Crawler is a comfortable space available for our youngest participants. Learn more about our Sunday morning programming for kids.
What Happens Before or After Worship?
Is there an adult education time?
Currently, our adult education programs happen at other days and times throughout the week. Learn more about Adult Education and Spiritual Formation.
Is there a fellowship time?
Most Sundays, our 10 am worship service is followed by a time of informal fellowship in our Friendship Lounge.
What programs happen before or after worship?
Our Chancel Choir, Confirmation class and other programs meet in the hour between the two worship services. Fellowship, all-church meals, mission projects and other special events take place after the 10 am worship service throughout the year. See our Church Calendar to check out what’s coming up.